Bocanegra v. Takeuchi

Sacramento, October 2019, Admitted liability case in which elderly defendant T-boned plaintiff totaling both vehicles. Plaintiff, 27, was taken to the ER with neck and back pain and his symptoms quickly developing into the beginning stages of “drop foot” with…

Bonetti v. Gross

Alameda, September 2019, Based on the results of Nakase, Mr. Patton was called in again for a case with a defense (“IME”) doctor who found all of the treatment necessary, accident related, and the billing reasonable. The IME doctor also…

Nakase v. Uyemura

Los Angeles, March 2019, Defendant caused a six vehicle rear-end collision with three vehicles totaled, including plaintiff’s. Plaintiff, 62, was diagnosed with multiple Disc herniations. Plaintiff underwent chiropractic, acupuncture, multiple MRI’s, Cervical Epidural Injections with a recommendation for five more…

Perez v. Volkov

Los Angeles, December 2018, Elderly defendant driver hit a pedestrian in a cross walk, breaking her leg. Plaintiff was taken to the hospital by ambulance on a back board. Plaintiff was confined to a wheel chair for several weeks and…

Lollar v. Hong

Alameda, November 2018, Defendant pulled out from a stop sign in front of motorcyclist plaintiff who had the right of way. Plaintiff was in a coma for more than a month and had more than $1,000,000 in medical bills for…

McQuade v. Whatley

Yuba, May 2018, Elderly defendant cut off a 23 year old plaintiff causing a 45 mile per hour T-bone accident. Plaintiff (with no prior injuries) was taken from the scene by ambulance with a broken ankle and neck and back…

Alghazai v. Kitts

Alameda, November 2017, The defendant rear-ended three plaintiffs on the freeway resulting in both vehicles being totaled. The primary plaintiff underwent significant physical therapy, chiropractic care and epidural injections. Plaintiff’s doctor testified plaintiff would need at least one future fusion,…

Rios v. Lopez

Fresno, October 2017, Teenage defendant rear-ended grandparents in their 70’s on the freeway totaling both vehicles. Both plaintiff’s had over $100,000 in past medical expenses, and recommendation for future therapies totaling over $200,000 each. Character witnesses included the pastor of…

Gilles v. Black

Marin, March 2015, Rear-end accident with 80 year old plaintiff. Plaintiff went on to receive extensive physical therapy and Epidural Injections. Plaintiff’s treating doctor recommended more Epidurals and fusion. $3,500,000 Demand. $5,000 Verdict.